Monday, June 24, 2024


 Welcome to Mineral Wells, Texas!


In a little town

Which shall be nameless

But very far from here,

I saw an old house with no door.

But there were three locks on a window.

Imagine that.

On the main street there were

Stores, plenty of them.

But every store was named “Crazy.”

There was the Crazy Sports Bar

And the Crazy Boutique

And the Crazy Office Supply…

The Crazy Gift Shop and Crazy Bakery.

The Rialto movie theater was showing

“Crazy, Stupid, Love.”

I went into a diner called The Crazy Diner and

They were playing “Crazy” by Patsy Cline.

I sat down and a couple in the next booth

Told me they just got back from

Crazy Park Panama.

After my peanut butter sandwich on banana nut bread,

I left and walked to a place called “Pessimist Park.”

It looked like it might rain.

The guy sitting next to me said:

“Man, there is some crazy shit goin’ on

In that town, huh lady?”

Marjorie J. Levine © 2024