Friday, May 1, 2020

Yetta... from Yesteryear

For decades, I tried to "make it" in comedy. But, I was never good enough, or remarkable enough, or lucky enough.

But when social media prospered and live broadcast sites became popular, I decided to try to do shows on the internet so I fired up my computer cam. I became "Yetta Telebenda" and "Cookie Lipschitz" and I was off and running!

A viewer with the nickname "TripCode" became my videographer and he faithfully recorded my shows and uploaded the videos to YouTube. But, I still remained mostly invisible except for a small group of loyal "fans" who I gathered along the way and they became my devoted "cult following." But, fame still eluded me and no casting agents ever called. However, I persisted and through the years found new and creative ways to reinvent myself and keep my content fresh.

I enjoyed developing my new life and making my shows as beautiful as a live memoir in an old silent movie. I fit the pieces of my unique puzzle into a new journey which took me straight to the streets of Broadway. And with pathos, I performed on The Great White Way and said jokes like nobody was listening and mimed like nobody was watching.

And the most bittersweet and sad part... nobody there was. I was all alone on that old and famous avenue and somehow it did not even matter. In my mind's eye, I was famous. For one night, I was a celebrity and as the strangers passed without even giving me a second glance, I hardly even noticed. 

And when my "performance" was over, as I walked home in the crisp night air there was one thought that remained with me. I knew that there could be fulfillment in small scale poignant ways because in that personal magical moment in time, I was shining in my own imagination like a sentimental Broadway star who would sparkle and twinkle on... forever.

removed by TC:

watch here:

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