Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Paradise in Shades of Green and Orange

I awakened with a start and wanted to see paradise:

I thought eyeballing a different view would be nice.

I knew where to go, I knew what I wanted to see

These days it does not take much to create a happy me. 

So I gazed at a town that resembled Willougby to me

And as I looked and looked I saw what I needed to see.

I saw a brick road covered in orange leaves after months of green

And when I saw a magical street light I knew this was my scene!

I packed my bags and waved bye to neighbors and locked up my place 

And soon I settled in to a quiet new town that I called my space.

Now this poem should not be considered sad… 

So do not be mad.

I wanted to create a happy poem for my readers and friends

After all, I am Yetta… and everything I do has to have laughing ends.


I went to the doctor today

And she did not have much to say.

She diagnosed me with Limerence and suggested help

“What? And cure myself of magical thinking and end with a welp?”

Marjorie J. Levine © March 21, 2023

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