Thursday, August 24, 2023


My father owned Columbia Silver Company and his factory was on McDonald Avenue in Brooklyn. He and my mother were always going to Las Vegas and socializing with this guy Ash Resnick and a few times I went also and we stayed at the Stardust Hotel. 

Ash Resnick

My father would always tell us some mysterious stories of his associations with gangster types in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and Brooklyn. But there was one day I remember when I was seriously scared.

The details are vague how we got to this location because this was in about 1972 and I was already an adult living on my own in Manhattan. But somehow we were both in my father's car and parked across from his "shop" at where the arrow is pointing in the second image above. 

I asked what we were doing sitting in the parked car and my father plainly explained that for two days some anonymous guy was calling the "shop" and threatening him in a menacing voice saying he would be there to "get even" on Saturday at 2 PM. 

So there we were on Saturday, parked like sitting ducks at almost 2 PM and waiting for some nameless guy who maybe would show up looking for my father for no good purpose. I was very frightened, knew it was dangerous, and told my father we should get the hell out of there. I had recently seen The Godfather and too many of those scenes were stuck in my head as possibilities. My father replied and said "No, I want to see who this guy is and if he really shows up." We were hiding in plain sight.

Well, no guy ever showed up and as we drove away I told my father he was an idiot. He suggested we go to Nathan's for hot dogs.

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