Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Theory of Everything, The Mandela Effect, Consciousness... and me


“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

"M" is for Marjorie


I have spent decades reading the works of theoretical physicists and the book The Tao of Physics had a great impact on me. I became interested in quantum physics and as a serious investigator I tried to solve The Theory of Everything. The clue is TIME. Time is an illusion. We are all time travelers in a universe where everything has happened and our consciousness moves after death to alternate universes where it is possible to be reincarnated into the past.

So, greetings from a time traveler:

In Buddhism, the Bardo, or antarābhava, is an intermediate, transitional, or liminal state between death and rebirth. I can recall several of my past lives. Reincarnation is real. The math gets complicated because souls can be reincarnated to other universes which may be moving in different periods of time. All time has already happened. It is not unfolding, it was a drop. All time exists at the same time in multi universes. Consciousness builds the world.

We have always lived and will always live because time is not a straight line, it is a circle. This is hard to understand because our minds are programmed to always think things have a beginning and an end. But there was no beginning and there is no end. We cannot understand that just like a goldfish cannot understand that 2 + 2 = 4. We are not hard wired to get it. And I believe karma may determine the circumstances into which we are reborn. 

The universe is expanding and infinite... I believe there are alternate universes and parallel universes and it is possible to be reborn back into the past because all time exists at the same time. Albert Einstein also explained how time may be an illusion. 

I  have read a great deal about quantum physics.... there are books that explain this. Michio Kaku and Amit Goswami do the best job explaining about concepts like the Einstein Rosen bridge and black holes, which may be gateways to these other universes, and tachyons may be the particles of our souls. And Kabbalah teachings also talk of the transmigration of the soul.

I wrote this E-mail to the theoretical physicist Michi Kaku on 1996. He never replied, but when I met him at NYC's Open Center a few years later, I asked him if it is possible to be reincarnated back into the past and he replied "Yes." So here is the letter, my theory, and before I am discarded as "nuts," read about the subject of physics and consciousness. I think I solved The Theory of Everything, which has to include TIME. 

And by the way, the profound Mandela Effect also sort of proves my theory.

The Mandela Effect

It is not deja vu or connected to reincarnation. It is experiences where things happen that are slightly different than how you remember them. For instance: you read a famous person died and you think: he already died. Or a major historical event will now be different than your recollection of it. 

I remember Nelson Mandela died in prison. However he died in 2013 decades later. Many others have the same memory... that is how the phenomenon got the name: The Mandela Effect.

I experience this a lot. Remember the Tank Man incident at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on June 5, 1989? I recall the tank ran over him and it was a major humanitarian event. Many others recall he died on that day too. However, it is now written that the tank stopped and he never died. THAT is an example of a Mandela Effect.

I have a theory of why this happens. In this dimension, on this planet, we are constantly passing through wormholes to alternate universes, and with each passing there are slight historical differences but our memories do not change. 

This happened recently to me. And my friend Arnold also had the exact same experience. We both read that the son of Clark Gable died. Then, a few week later, in the newspaper it said he was alive and his girlfriend died in his house. 

Jim Nabors died and then a few years later he died again. It was the same for Julia Child and Captain Kangaroo. How many times did Jack Palance die? If you experience The Mandela Effect, in your timeline you have sensed that people die more than once and there are slight changes in your memories.

This is all connected to quantum physics and I believe it is quantum physics that can explain all of these mysteries and phenomenon and eventually prove that reincarnation is real and consciousness is forever. 

I have a theory of why this is happening. Time and events are being changed in the past as souls are reincarnated back to the past and they are changing history and it causes a ripple effect.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is when you are reincarnated back into the past, remember to try to change history. You can change it in major ways so when those in this world, in this dimension, remember events... they are recalled differently and eventually fade from memories and existence because they were deleted and erased in parallel universes and actually never really happened. 

The Mandela Effect:

So many have tried to figure it all out:

I know in Buddhism nirvana is a state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism.

But for me, nirvana would have to be my personal Willoughby: Wilmette... a place with streets so green and perfect streetlights and a sense of total serenity. 

It must be magical to wake up in Wilmette.

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